Everyone needs a luxury massage day. When you’re ready to relax, we’re ready to pamper.

Cranial Sacral Therapy / “Acupressure Unwinding Meridians
Somoto Emotional Release”
Thai Massage & Thai Ball Massage
Couples Massage
Corporate - Special Events

Massage Therapy

For a truly wonderful experience, ask me to recommend a combination of services. I will tailor a visit that leaves you absolutely refreshed. That way, you can find an option that best suits your individual needs. If you’re not sure, feel free to give me a call. I will guide you in the right direction.

Neuro Muscular
Sports Massage
Deep Tissue*
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Arthritic Bone & Joint Healing
Pre & Post Plastic Surgery MLD
Microcurrent (Joint & Muscular Pain-Body Sculptoring)

Book an Appointment Now: ​786-274-3346

House of Chi

Marie Theresa Davis

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